My primary current writing outlet is Polyarchy, a Vox blog.
You can find my recent Vox articles here.
Other recent writing
"Corporate Lobbying Is the Ultimate Tragedy of the Commons," National Review, July 28, 2015
"What Comcast’s Failed Merger Tells Us About Corporate Lobbying," TimeMay 5, 2015
"The Solution to Lobbying is More Lobbying," The Washington Post, April 29, 2015
"A Better Way to Rein in Lobbying," New York Times op-ed, April 25, 2015
"How Corporations turned into political beasts," Business Insider, April 25, 2015
"How Corporate Lobbyists Conquered American Democracy," The Atlantic, April 20, 2015
"What we get wrong about lobbying and corruption," The Washington Post, April 16, 2015
"Despite Citizens United, elections aren't a good investment for corporations," The Washington Post Sunday Outlook Section, March 27, 2015
"A New Agenda for Political Reform," (with Steven Teles), The Washington Monthly, March/April/May 2015
"A Lobbyist Just for You," The Washington Monthly, March/April/May 2015
"More Campaign Spending From More People," The Atlantic, February 15, 2015
"How did swaps regulation get into the CRomnibus? Ask this army of lobbyists," Vox, December 17, 2014
"Bring Back Corruption!" Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, December 16, 2014
"Why we still need to worry about money in politics," The Washington Post, December 15, 2014
"Why Congress is broken: tax extenders edition," Vox, December 6, 2014
"Is it possible to spend too much money in politics? Sheldon Adelson is about to find out," Slate, December 5, 2014
"Invest in Smarter Government," The Cato Institute, November 14, 2014
"The 2014 campaign is a campaign about nothing," (with Mark Schmitt) The Washington Post, October 27, 2014
Older writing
"These companies spend the most money to kill net neutrality," March 13, 2014, The Daily Dot
"How Big Pharma (and others) began lobbying on the Trans-Pacific Partnership before you ever heard of it," March 13, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"The rise of the million-dollar lobbyist," January 24, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Whose former staffers make the most as lobbyists? Lott, First, Hoyer top the list," January 23 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"How revolving door lobbyists are taking over K Street," January 22, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"K Street pays top dollar for revolving door talent," January 21, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"What the banks' three-year war on Dodd-Frank looks like," July 22, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Untangling the webs of tax lobbying," April 15, 2013, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Untangling the webs of immigration lobbying," March 25, 2013, Sunlight Foundation blog
"NRA's allegiances reach deep into Congress," December 18, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Explaining the power of the National Rifle Association, in one graph," December 17, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Big banks dominate Dodd-Frank meetings with regulators," July 19, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Lobby more, pay less in taxes," April 16, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Companies that lobby more on taxes pay less in taxes," November 21, 2011, Sunlight Foundation blog
"A Better Way to Fix Lobbying," 2011, Issues in Governance Studies, The Brookings Institution
"How Lobbying Works," October 2009, The Monkey Cage
Campaign Finance
"What the McCutcheon decision means," April 2, 2014, Washington Post
"The 1,000 donors most likely to benefit from McCutcheon -- and what they are most likely to do," October 2, 2013, Sunlight Foundation blog
"The Political 1% of the 1% in 2012," June 24, 2013, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Did almost 600 donors break campaign finance law in 2012?," May 13, 2013, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Why money still matters," November 14, 2012, The Monkey Cage
"How much did money really matter in 2012?," November 9, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Outside money in the House: six graphs and seven takeaways," October 25, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Outside money in the Senate: one map, four graphs and seven takeaways," October 24, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Money in Senate elections, in eight charts," October 1, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Money in House elections, in eight charts," October 1, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Federal candidates depend on financial sector more than any other for campaign money," September 20, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Dark money in the 2012 elections (so far)," July 16, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Ways and Means, Financial Services, and Energy and Commerce are top House fundraising committees," April 2, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog (in collaboration with This American Life and Planet Money)
"Why Congress might be more productive - and less partisan - than you think," January 16, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"The changing complexity of congressional speech," May 21, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Turnover in the House: Who keeps - and who loses -- the most staff," February 6, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
"How House operating budget cuts are paving the way for more special interest influence," January 17, 2012, Sunlight Foundation blog
Data Science
"Data and creativity" March 24, 2014, Sunlight Foundation blog
"Two principles to avoid common data mistakes" February 19, 2013, Sunlight Foundation blog
all Sunlight Foundation analyses and commentary (112 blog posts)
I've also written extensively for Pacific Standard and for the Los Angeles Times (book review section)