Reports, academic journal articles, book chapters, and other scholarship

Drutman, Lee. “More Parties, Better Parties.” Washington, D.C: New America, July 2023,

Pocasangre, Oscar, and Lee Drutman. “Understanding the Partisan Divide: How Demographics and Policy Views Shape Party Coalitions.” New America, February 2023.

Drutman, Lee. “Organized Interests, Policymaking, and Congressional Accountability.” In Accountability Reconsidered: Voters, Interests, and Information in US Policymaking, 295. Cambridge University Press, 2023.

Drutman, Lee. “How Democracies Revive.” The Niskanen Center, April 2022.

Pocasangre, Oscar, and Lee Drutman. “Undecided Voters: Who They Are, What They Want, and How They Decide Our Politics.” New America, November 2022.

Drutman, Lee. “What We Know About Redistricting and Redistricting Reform.” New America, September 19, 2022.

Furnas, Alexander C., Timothy M LaPira, Alexander Hertel-Fernandez, Lee Drutman, and Kevin Kosar. “More than Mere Access: An Experiment on Moneyed Interests, Information Provision, and Legislative Action in Congress.” Political Research Quarterly, May 13, 2022, 10659129221098743.

Drutman, Lee. “Moderation, Realignment, or Transformation? Evaluating Three Approaches to America’s Crisis of Democracy.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 699, no. 1 (January 2022): 158–74.

Drutman, Lee, and Maresa Strano. “What We Know About Ranked-Choice Voting.” New America, November 2021.

Drutman, Lee. “Elections, Political Parties, and Multiracial, Multiethnic Democracy: How the United States Gets It Wrong.” New York University Law Review 96 (2021): 36.

Drutman, Lee. “Theft Perception.” Voter Study Group, 2021.

Drutman, Lee, Jonathan D Cohen, Yuval Levin, Norman J Ornstein, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. “The Case for Enlarging the House of Representatives.” American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2021.

Drutman, Lee. “What We Know About Congressional Primaries.” New America, June 1, 2021.

Drutman, Lee, Larry Diamond, and Joe Goldman. “Democracy Maybe: Attitudes on Authoritarianism in America.” Voter Study Group, 2020.

Drutman, Lee, and T. M. LaPira. “Capacity for What? Legislative Capacity Regimes in Congress and the Possibilities for Reform.” In Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform, 11–33. The University of Chicago Press Chicago, IL, 2020.

LaPira, Timothy M., Lee Drutman, and Kevin R. Kosar, editors, Congress Overwhelmed: The Decline in Congressional Capacity and Prospects for Reform. University of Chicago Press, 2020.

Drutman, Lee, Matt Grossmann, and Timothy LaPira. “The Interest Group Top Tier.” In Can America Govern Itself, edited by Nolan McCarty and Frances E. Lee, 45–68. Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Drutman, Lee, and Peter C. Hanson. “Does Regular Order Produce a More Deliberative Congress?: Evidence from the Annual Appropriations Process.” In Can America Govern Itself?, edited by Frances E. Lee and Nolan McCarty, 155–80. SSRC Anxieties of Democracy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Drutman, Lee. Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop: The Case for Multiparty Democracy in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Drutman, Lee, Joe Goldman, and Larry Diamond. “Follow the Leader.” Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, March 13, 2018.

Drutman, Lee, William Galston, and Tod Lindberg. “Spoiler Alert: Why Americans’ Desires for a Third Party Are Unlikely to Come True.” Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, 2018.

Drutman, Lee. “Political Divisions in 2016 and Beyond: Tensions Between and Within the Two Parties : A Research Report from the Democracy Fund Voter Study Group.” Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, 2017.

Drutman, Lee. The Business of America Is Lobbying: How Corporations Became Politicized and Politics Became More Corporate. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Drutman, Lee. “On the Value of Fox-like Thinking, and How to Break into the Washington Policy Community.” PS: Political Science & Politics 49, no. 3 (July 2016): 510–12.

Drutman, Lee. “Political Dynamism.” New America, February 2016.

Drutman, Lee, and Christine Mahoney. “On the Advantages of a Well-Constructed Lobbying System: Toward a More Democratic, Modern Lobbying Process.” Interest Groups & Advocacy; London 6, no. 3 (October 2017): 290–310.

Drutman, Lee, and Daniel J. Hopkins. “The Inside View: Using the Enron E-Mail Archive to Understand Corporate Political Attention.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 38, no. 1 (2013): 5–30.

Reports, academic articles, book chapters, and other scholarship