Lobbying and Campaign Finance

"Donald Trump and the 3 “drain the swamp” fever dreams of American politics," Polyarchy (Vox) - 6/2/17

"Trump's attempt to 'drain the swamp' will make matters worse in Washington," Los Angeles Times Opinion - 11/27/16

"Trump's "Drain the Swamp" plan is Fake Reform," Polyarchy (Vox) - 11/27/16

"Congressional term limits are a bad idea," Polyarchy (Vox) - 10/18/16

"Enough about our "corrupt campaign finance system" already. Let's talk equality," Polyarchy (Vox) - 2/5/16

"Yet another retiring member of congress complains about the misery of fundraising," Polyarchy (Vox) - 1/8/16

"Here's the real reason we don't have gun reform (it's not campaign contributions)," Polyarchy (Vox) - 12/3/15

"Giving the two parties even more money will not solve polarization," Polyarchy (Vox) - 11/20/15

"Public financing of judicial elections worked. Too bad North Carolina ditched the system," Polyarchy (Vox) - 9/16/15

"Money in politics is a major story in the 2016 campaign. Here are 3 big open questions," Polyarchy (Vox) - 8/21/15

"The solution to lobbying is more lobbying," Monkey Cage (The Washington Post) - 4/29/15 

"Despite Citizens United, elections aren't a good investment for corporations," The Washington Post Opinions - 4/27/15

"A Better Way to Rein In Lobbying," The New York Times Opinion Pages - 4/24/15

"What we get wrong about lobbying and corruption," Monkey Cage (The Washington Post) - 4/16/15

"What Amy Schumer gets wrong about the power of the gun lobby," Polyarchy (Vox) - 8/13/15