Political and Electoral Reform
"This voting reform solves 2 of America’s biggest political problems," Polyarchy (Vox) - 7/26/17
"How a too-strong presidency and a too-weak Congress are destroying the American experiment," LA Times Opinions - 3/5/17
"The case for Supreme Court term limits has never been stronger," Polyarchy (Vox) - 1/31/17
"Maine passes ranked-choice voting, South Dakota approves campaign vouchers," Polyarchy (Vox) - 11/9/16
"Maine could become the first state in the nation to have ranked-choice voting," Polyarchy (Vox) - 9/30/16
"The presidential debate format stinks. We should run crisis simulations instead.," Polyarchy (Vox) - 9/23/16
"How to think about political reform past Clinton vs. Trump," Polyarchy (Vox) - 5/26/16
"Curbing Corporate Lobbyists: Easier Than You Think," The American Prospect - 4/12/16
"What the Democracy Spring protests miss," Polyarchy (Vox) - 4/20/16
"There is a better way to run presidential debates. Actually, there are several.," Polyarchy (Vox) - 11/5/15
"Want to be president? Show us how you’d handle a disaster.," The Washington Post Opinions - 7/30/15
"A Better Way to Rein In Lobbying," The New York Times Opinion Pages - 4/24/15
"The solution to lobbying is more lobbying," Monkey Cage (The Washington Post) - 4/29/15
"A New Agenda for Political Reform," Washington Monthly - March/April/May 2015 (with Steven Teles)
"A Lobbyist Just for You," Washington Monthly - March/April/May 2015